How to change JFrame background color in GUI using swing (Using Drag & Drop Components In Netbeans IDE) in java.

How to change JFrame background color in GUI using swing (Using Drag & Drop Components In Netbeans IDE) in java.

In this article we will see how to change JFrame background color in GUI using swing (Using Drag & Drop Components In Netbeans IDE) in java.

java swing GUI

First of all create your project and inside a project create one JFrame Form.

java swing GUI

After creating JFrame form see in the top right side corner Swing Containers.
Inside Swing Containers select Panel. Drag & Drop this panel in your JFrame form.

After placing this panel in your form Spread this panel in your JFrame form.

java swing GUI

After spreading this panel in your JFrame form select this panel and go to properties in bottom right side corner.

Select Background properties and select your favorite color.

See this below video for better understand.

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