Create your own formatting code snippets template using html, css, javascript

Create your own formatting code snippets template using html, css, javascript

In this article we will see how to create your own formatting code snippets template using html, css, javascript.

This formatting code snippets template you can also add your our website.

Before we talk about creating a cheatsheet, let's look at some of the tags and HTML Entity. this tag and HTML Entity will you have use when creating a cheatsheet.

Tags and HTML Entity :

  1.    <pre> tag : The text will be displayed exactly as written in the HTML source code.
  2.    <code> tag : The <code> tag in HTML is used to define the piece of computer code. During the creation of web pages sometimes there is a need to display computer programming code. It could be done by any basic heading tag of HTML but HTML provides a separated tag which is <code>. It is mainly used to display the code snippet into the web browser.
  3.    &lt; HTML Entity : stands for the less-than sign: <
  4.    &gt; HTML Entity : > stands for the greater-than sign: >

Create Formatting Code Snippets Template :

See this below video and download prism.js and prism.css file.

After download prism.js and prism.css file add this two file in your project.

Watch this below video to know next process.

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